Finding Drop Towers For Sale: Five Things You Should Know Before You Buy

Few rides offer the same level of excitement as drop towers(экстремальный атракцион Башня Падения). These rides can be found at amusement parks and theme parks throughout the world. The basic concept is simple. There is a large central tower that extends high above the ground. Passengers are carried to the top of the tower in a special gondola.

The gondola hangs there for a moment, suspended in the air. Then, all of a sudden, it begins to drop toward the ground in a complete freefall. As it gets lower and lower, it starts to decelerate, coming to a stop just before it hits the ground.

For the passengers, this is an extremely thrilling experience. From the initial freefall to the rapid deceleration, the ride provides a heart-stopping adventure the entire time it is in motion.

Drop tower rides for sale
Best Drop tower rides from Beston

When looking for drop towers for sale, there are five things that you should know before you buy including the following:

1. The height of the tower affects how many of your visitors will be able to ride. All drop towers have height restrictions for riders, meaning that extremely young or small children won’t be able to ride them regardless of the type of tower that you buy. It is important to note, however, that taller towers have stricter height requirements. If you choose an extremely tall tower, more of your guests will be too short to ride than if you go with a slightly shorter tower. Company resource:

2. Check the capacity of the ride. The gondolas on these rides can only carry a limited number of passengers at a time. Some rides are only capable of carrying about 15 passengers, while other rides can carry up to 50 people at a time. Going with a ride that has a higher capacity means that people won’t have to wait in line as long in order to ride.

3. Check the speed of the ride. The drop speed of the ride is usually measured in meters per second (m/s). Gentler, milder drop towers have lower speeds than faster, more thrilling rides. For instance, a drop tower with a speed of 6 m/s is a lot slower than one with the speed of 25 m/s, which provides a slightly gentler ride.

Drop tower rides for sale
Drop tower rides for sale

4. Taller towers tend to attract bigger crowds. Going with a taller tower could help you increase your park attendance. People are always on the lookout for thrilling adventures. Extremely tall drop towers definitely fall into that category.

5. The quality of the drop tower directly impacts how safe it is to ride. Avoid the temptation to save money by buying a low-quality drop tower. Instead, invest in a high-quality piece of equipment that is well-made and safe to ride. Otherwise, if the equipment malfunctions, it could be disastrous. As long as you buy the ride from a reputable company, however, you shouldn’t run into any problems.

When looking for drop towers for sale(купить аттракцион башня падения ), always remember these five tips. Ultimately, they will help you find a ride that is not only safe for visitors but also a lot of fun to ride.