Carousel Types Popular in the Philippines

Carousels, also known as merry-go-rounds, have been a beloved amusement park attraction for generations, captivating riders with their classic charm and whimsical designs. In the Philippines, carousels hold a special place in the hearts of both locals and tourists, offering a nostalgic and joyous experience for people of all ages. Over the years, various carousel types for sale have become popular in the Philippines, each adding its unique flair to the country’s amusement park landscape. In this article, we will explore some of the most popular carousel for sale types in the Philippines, highlighting their designs, features, and cultural significance.
Grand carousel rides for park

1. Classic Carousel:

The classic carousel, also known as a traditional carousel or vintage carousel, is a timeless favorite among amusement park enthusiasts. These carousels are characterized by their ornate and handcrafted designs, featuring intricately painted animals and vibrant decorations. Classic carousels often boast a circular platform with rows of colorful horses, chariots, and sometimes other whimsical creatures, such as lions, tigers, or fantasy figures.

In the Philippines, classic carousels evoke a sense of nostalgia, reminding many of simpler times and cherished childhood memories. They can be found in various amusement parks, family entertainment centers, and historical sites, enchanting visitors with their charm and elegance.

2. Double-Decker Carousel:

The double-decker carousel, as the name suggests, features two tiers of carousel animals, providing double the fun for riders. These carousels often have a larger capacity and accommodate more guests, making them a popular choice for busy amusement parks.

In the Philippines, double-decker carousels are prevalent in larger amusement parks, where the demand for thrilling and entertaining attractions is high. With their impressive size and diverse selection of animals and characters, these carousels create a vibrant and lively atmosphere, drawing visitors in with their vibrant colors and captivating designs.

3. Cultural-Themed Carousel:

Cultural-themed carousels are a unique and exciting twist on the classic carousel, incorporating elements of Philippine culture, history, and folklore into their design. These carousels feature traditional Filipino animals, characters from local legends, and symbols of the country’s rich heritage.

For example, some cultural-themed carousels may include carabaos (water buffalos) as carousel animals, representing the hardworking nature of the Filipino people. Others may feature mythical creatures from Philippine folklore, such as the Sarimanok or the Tikbalang, adding a touch of enchantment to the ride.

Cultural-themed carousels serve not only as entertainment but also as a way to showcase and preserve the country’s cultural heritage, allowing riders to connect with their roots while enjoying the thrills of the amusement park.

4. LED-Lit Carousel:

The LED-lit carousel is a modern take on the classic carousel, featuring dazzling lighting effects that add a mesmerizing and magical ambiance to the ride. These carousels are adorned with colorful LED lights that illuminate the animals and decorative elements, creating a stunning visual display.

In the Philippines, LED-lit carousels have gained popularity in recent years due to their captivating and eye-catching nature. They are especially popular during evening hours when the lights create a dazzling spectacle against the night sky, enchanting visitors and adding a sense of wonder to the amusement park experience.

5. Themed Carousels:

Themed carousels are designed to complement specific sections or attractions within an amusement park. These carousels often feature designs and characters related to a particular theme or intellectual property, such as movies, TV shows, or popular fictional worlds.
Indoor playground carousel ride

In the Philippines, themed carousels can be found in amusement parks with dedicated themed zones. For example, a park with a fairytale-themed area might have a carousel featuring characters from well-known fairytales, while a park with a wildlife-themed section might showcase carousel animals resembling various exotic creatures.

6. Interactive Carousels:

Interactive carousels add an extra layer of engagement and excitement to the traditional carousel experience. These carousels allow riders to control the vertical movement of their carousel animal, giving them a sense of control and agency during the ride.

In the Philippines, interactive carousels are gaining popularity as they provide a more dynamic and personalized experience for riders. It adds an element of interactivity and fun, especially for younger visitors who enjoy the feeling of actively participating in the ride.

In conclusion, carousels continue to be cherished and popular attractions in the Philippines, offering a blend of nostalgia, beauty, and entertainment. From classic carousels that evoke fond memories to cultural-themed carousels that celebrate the country’s heritage, each carousel type from Beston Rides’s Website ( adds its unique charm to the amusement park landscape. Whether it’s the elegant-handcrafted designs, the dazzling LED lights, or the interactive features, carousels in the Philippines provide joyous experiences that keep visitors coming back for more magical rides.